running 1

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  • 2003-11-18 - 6:40 a.m.
    < 5:30 Running >

    2.4 miles
    27 minutes!

    Running at 5am is very interesting, it's sooooo quiet. Not a car to be found, no dinner dishes clattering (no dinner smells either, which is good!), no kids playing in the street. So many stars in the sky this morning! And just a sliver of a moon. Just complete peace.

    Until you pass a house with a dog, heh. WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!!!

    I really ran hard today, I wanted not just to log the miles, but to make some kind of improvement, I don't think I've EVER run as slow as I have been. I mean sure, the distance is easier for me than ever, but the speed has just sucked.

    So I ran hard, and I got to the corner with the very steep hill and instead of walking it like I wanted to I CHARGED up it, with words from my running book like a mantra in my head, "running hills makes you strong, you have to run hills, you need to run hills to make you strong, you need to - AAAAAGH MY LEGS ARE BURNING!!!" But I did it, both times I got to that hill.

    After my second loop around I decided to reverse direction and run the loop going the other way to make things more interesting. Ha-Ha, I thought, now I'll be running DOWN that stupid hill.

    I ran over to the top of that steep hill -

    And promptly went down it in a fantastic speed of about 80 miles an hour, unable to stop myself ("HaHa Hill!! AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!") but at least I didn't fall on my face.

    I did end up needing to get to a bathroom quick at the 2 mile point and was forced to walk the last 4 tenths of a mile, but I was only supposed to run 2 miles anyway, and I was confident I had worked it hard.

    I got home and only 27 minutes had passed which was just Awesome, I was Very Happy.


    I also joined Marn's Five Hundred Miles to NoWhere so you can check out my mileage over there too. As soon as I log my new atm # into paypal I'm going to get the T-Shirt too.

    Also, today it seems the only skirts to fit me are the ones with elastic waists. My other skirts that kind of sat on top of my hips? Are now falling down around my knees.

    No running for today, tomorrow is pace work. See you then!