running 1

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  • 2005-02-27 - 10:12 p.m.
    < Just a Dream >

    I had a dream last night that I was looking at myself in my bathroom mirror (it's large, shows everything from the waist up) and each time I would glance in the mirror my butt was a little bit smaller. And some dream voice from somewhere was saying "See, all your hard work is paying off, it really *can* get smaller."

    But then I woke up and thought "I haven't worked at anything, my butt is NEVER going to get any smaller."

    If I could get obsessed about it then I could fix this. But my obsessions have focused on school, and it is currently also focused on fixing my credit score - which has nothing to do with this diary, and not something I'll discuss in the other diary, but the obsession is there regardless.

    Anyway. I am going to go to bed now, which is early for me, and I'm going to try to get up at 5am and go for a run.

    Also, I am 38 now. I am noticing changes in my body that I do not like. My legs are still great, though heavy, but they seem to tone quickly when I do work out and there's no cellulite or vericose veins. But my arms are getting all... old looking. I don't even know how to describe them, kind of like... pudding? Whatever. I don't like it and that's the main thing.

    Oh, and then I weighed myself after that dream and I weigh? 183 pounds. Which is just right at that point where I draw the line. So somehow somewhere I have to fit in some running whether I'm tired or not.

    Off to bed for me.