running 1

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  • 2006-06-18 - 10:47 p.m.
    < Starting over again and again. >

    Yeah. Obviously I have not been to the gym.

    So I finally got a chance to go today, and took along Buffy who actually managed to flirt with her dorky personal trainer. But she had a good time and wants to go as often as possible.

    I had a horrible time, I mean look at that weight, I actually crossed that LINE and I can certainly feel it. I just feel sick and uncomfortable and unwieldy and... FAT all the time. Ugh. I can't do what I could do even a few months ago, so I'm just going to start slow, take Buffy with me as often as possible, and get going on this.

    I love seeing those tickers tick away, so I'm going to keep this posted, even though the weight is outrageous. It will look all that much better at the end.

    I have the goal as 155 because even though I used to weight between 125 and 135 - at the time that I was gym-ing it up and doing lots of weights I weighed 155 and actually wore the same size as I did before. So I'm going for that very healthy 155 again.

    Let's pray I can manage to do this. Why is this the only goal I cannot manage to achieve???