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  • 2008-04-27 - 8:29 a.m.
    < Operation Summer 2008, here we come >

    Okay, it's the end of Spring and here we go AGAIN.

    As long as you don't completely give up the fight and never surrender the war, it's all still good, right?


    So here's the stats as of today:

    220 pounds. Three years away from my father's age when he had his first heart attack. My body looks identical to my mother's.

    The good news:

    I can still kick ass at the gym. I can outlift anyone and I can still work out on cardio machines for an hour without feeling like I'm ready for my own heart attack.

    The bad news:

    School still has priority and this semester I had no time to attend a gym or really even to complete all my school work. Summer is here and the heat usually sucks my motivation right out of me.

    The plan for THIS time:

    Jillian Michaels, Baybee. Awesomest trainer from Biggest Loser and my secret love monkey.

    Through Facebook I signed up for her site: free for two weeks, $4/week after that. It's not a lot different from most other sites. Cool chart to graph your weight. Recipes. Motivational advice. The only difference is she gives a really great workout each day, and anytime I get a message from "her" saying something like "GET MOVING!!" my first thought is "YES JILLIAN!!"

    I ordered three, yes, THREE workout DVDs from Jillian and the Biggest Loser. I know I won't be touching them once the summer heat hits, but they'll be good for a couple weeks and then I'll have them when summer is over and the gym time evaporates.

    On the other hand, I'll have plenty of time at the gym this summer. Finally I have a great summer work/school schedule, allowing me to go to the gym three mornings a week plus weekends, starting in June. Hopefully I won't have a sick cat this summer that prevents me from leaving the house, and we won't have any big vacations to distract me.

    I started the gym again last weekend, my daughter and I went Saturday and Sunday for 2 hour workouts. We were really sore in the days after, but not impossibly so. I have a cold this weekend, but yesterday managed to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. We also set up the family room with our gym equipment, so our elliptical is in there and our rower, and I'll have my son put the Total Gym out on the patio. That will make for some good, convenient workouts at home when I can't make it to the gym, or when gas hits the $5/gallon mark, heh.

    So the goal I listed was 145 pounds by December 2008. With the muscle I gain when I lift, this will make for a very skinny me. At my skinniest I was 124, at my fittest (with muscles) I was around 150, so 145 is my ultimate goal. This equals about 2.33 pounds a week - not an impossible goal. Actually, I KNOW I can do it, I just need the time - and barring any catastrophes this summer I should have the time, so this is the summer it's going to happen. If I can get my weight down to a manageable number and my body to a manageable size I can run all winter long at home - something that doesn't take that much time away from school.

    And next semester should be better anyway - I'll finally have one of the best work/school schedules I've had in a very long time. But it all hinges on getting the "bulk" of this weight gone over the summer.

    So here we go folks. Operation Summer 2008 is about to start full speed ahead.