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  • 2008-05-20 - 2:56 p.m.
    < Countdown to Summer Plan: T - 36 hours >

    As expected, finals took its toll on any work out plans. However, in 24 hours I'll have finished my last final of the semester and will be done with school.

    And that means: BACK TO THE GYM!!!

    Last year my plans were derailed by a sick cat who kept me home 24 hours a day for six weeks trying to keep her alive. This year the cat is fat as heck (good for a fluffy cat!) and I have nothing keeping me at home - or away from the gym!

    I'm really happy because it appears that there is nothing in the way of my working the hell out five days a week for the next three months.

    *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*

    I don't remember what my weight was a few weeks ago, but at the moment it's 216. I believe I can lose at LEAST 20 pounds by next semester, and at LEAST fifty total by Christmas.

    So that's the plan. It starts Thursday morning.